Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Raven's World-12

Welcome to Raven's Wed. column. She'd love to hear from you. And if you have any questions just leave a comment, and she'll answer them in her next column. Here's what she has to share with us today:

"Be well. Your natural state of being is well being. Not suffering, disease or imbalance as many of you have come to believe. Erase those words that have come to you filtered through the experiences of others. Hit the delete button! Re-enter words that are yours. Words that your soul knows to be true. Your innate knowledge. Reawaken! Re-affirm! Rebirth yourself to the powerful healing creature that you are! Do it now. It is never too late. Just remember and recapture your own creative (Creator) juices! And let them flow!"


  1. im still amazed by how raven "protected" me from the cat when i was at your house last week... she is one dazzling dog... please give her a big slurpy hug from her auntie annie! :)

  2. Thanks for the reminder Raven!!!
