Friday, May 26, 2017

Your Story Channel

Your Story
They are just stories.  Stories told and foretold.  Stories are retold.  Some are told from pain.  Some for effect.  Some to teach future generations.  Sometimes stories are told to inspire.  Stories have beginnings, a middle and an end.  Stories can be rewritten turning metal into gold. 

Stories can be interpreted in so many varied ways.  Some people let their stories define them.  Some people are always looking to create a new story.  Stories can be written in pages.  Stories can be orally told.  Stories in a book can be lost, burned, stored, reread, revered, hidden, hated, and revealed.

Stories can be changed.   Stories are malleable.  They can be fleeting.  They can be transmuted.

For many, their story is etched on the lines of their face or held deep in their cells and tissues.
The story is yours.  You can keep it, keep repeating it, or you can change it, forever.  Is it serving you?  Is it feeding you?

Edit and retell it.  Edit and retell it until…  Or, stop telling it completely.  Your story defines not just who you have been but also who you have yet to be.

Channeled by Laura Rose from our Ancestors

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