Friday, November 21, 2014

The Dance~a message from the Angels

In each moment there is a divine, cosmic dance in the universe.  You are an integral part of this swirling vortex of energy.  We are all connected within it.  In each moment physical energy aligns perfectly to bring to you all that you need!  It is always so.  The dance is always flowing.  All there is for you to do is hear the music and yourself let go!  Loose yourself in the dance, in this energy.  The dance does not work so well when you fret and worry.  The energy slows down considerably when you are busy pushing against something or resisting the natural order or the changes that are occurring for you.  Even though it slows, it never comes to an end.  It never stops, it is always flowing.  If you join in, your will experience ease, joy and communion.  If you let go of that resistance you can enjoy grace, faith and trust.  Aligning with all that is brings a freedom like none before.  It is not complicated.  You are either lost in the flow, the natural movement of the dance, or you are not.

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