Saturday, January 25, 2025

Renewal and Rebirth at Imbolc-a personal message from Laura

 Change is the only constant is a saying from long ago.  I have felt this way in my personal life for some time now.  It is hard to embrace change.  The unknown can be scary, and we can feel full of resistance.  It is the rare among us that can stand facing a new horizon in full faith as life meanders here and yon.

For those of you who have traveled alongside me on the journey of The Purple Rose, you may have noticed many changes over the years while I endeavored to create a dynamic that worked well for all concerned.

I was inspired to create the business and home of The Purple Rose Healing Center a little over 23 years ago.  Embracing my intuitive and healing gifts as well as my spiritual connection was quite the ride, sometimes bumpy but oftentimes filled with joy. 

Like many, my innate gifts were buried under emotional trauma and life lived.  My intention and purpose have always been to inspire and assist others as we continue to become whole together in a supportive community.

So, as Imbolc of 2025 dawns with renewed light, I feel inspired to create another change.  A few years back, I let go of the physical location of The Purple Rose and still maintained an online and remote presence.  But the time has come to close the business completely.

The spirit of the Purple Rose will always be a part of who I am, and I will continue to share messages from Spirit as inspired both on this blog and my youtube channel (you can find that link below).  I hope they will be helpful for those who choose to tune in from time to time.

I am trusting my inner guidance as I stand in anticipation of something brand new on the horizon yet again.  

Words cannot do justice to the appreciation I have for all of you.  Spirit is always telling us that we are co-creating our lives along with those from Spirit.  The Purple Rose journey has also been a co-creation with all of you.  You are what made it all worthwhile!

Thank you and many blessings,


 laura rose - YouTube

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Message for the new year-2025 like a snow globe


It is the best of times; it is the worst of times.  You have heard this phrase before, yes?  

But it is true moving forward.

You will see the extremes.

Your job is to maintain your own integrity and your own equilibrium to the best of your ability.

We have spoken of this concept for a long time.  It is about the connection and messages from within.  That is where all of your power lies.

Not outside of yourself.

This is the good news.  This is helpful as the pendulum in the world around you swings wildly back and forth.

Your center is always flowing Source light and measured.

Like a snow globe where things appear to be shaken up, but the center remains steady and in place.

Inside you are always clear.

This is your focus now.  

You have been practicing for a while.  

You are surefooted and ready.

This is an exciting time to be alive.

Where all you have learned throughout many lifetimes is all available for you now.

You have cleared the way, so you are supported unlike ever before.

Blessings and light,


channeled by Laura Rose