Friday, April 2, 2021

Spring Ahead with the Energies of April


Here is a message for April, channeled by Laura Rose from Spirit:

When you spend time in review of the past, you miss what is right in front of you.  Waiting for you to grab a hold of.  Engage all of your senses in each moment of creation.  Be fully present with your experience. Let go of anything you would not enjoy re-creating and fully embrace and begin to embody all that you wish to create again. 


Each moment is an opportunity.  You have the option to be fully present with each experience.  You also have the option to see it again in the future through your focus and intention. 


Many are busy running from the moment whether it feels good to you or bad.  But that is what life is all about.  Engaging.  There is nothing to fear.  You were made to experience all that life has to offer.


When you let go of your need to control the moment and what your response might be, you can let it simply unfold.  You will find the freedom you have been searching for.


It really is just that simple.  Be fully present in as many moments as you can.  Let the energy, experience, and emotions flow.  Whether away or within and back out again to enjoy another day.

April’s theme is to simplify each moment.  One moment at a time.

Many blessings to you!

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