Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 New Year's Message from the Angels!

Here is the messgage channeled by Laura Rose for the New Year 2014!!!: “We submit to you a year ahead filled with joy, hope, and laughter. We would so much love for you to get on board and allow us to bring all of that to you. Allow us to create with you. We would first start with your new year’s resolutions. We would very much like for you to eliminate any diet resolutions you may have made. Instead make the choice to do the very best you can every day to eat pure foods filled with light and nutrition. We have never seen anyone gain too much weight from eating too many pure fruits and vegetables! You must change your focus. Die-t is all about death…lack…deprivation. You cannot succeed from that energy dynamic. 2014 brings in new LIFE and vitality! Get on board the wave of life force energy carrying you into your future! We see so many bodies among you with severe nutrient deficiency. You must find real foods….fresh, pure and natural… to feed the many cells within your body that are starving. Please do not starve them further by ‘going on a die-t’!!!!”

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