Thursday, August 12, 2010

Political service?

I have had quite a diverse career path of service. Beginning as a private attorney I was in service to my clients and to the bar itself. Then moving on to assistant state's attorney (prosecutor) I was in service to the citizens of CT. Now I find myself in service in a whole new way. In service to Spirit. The Angels, guides, loved ones, animals, ascended masters...who use me as a channel for their messages and energy of light and love. So I understand service from a variety of angles. I believe it has to do mostly with getting out of the way of your own agenda and working for the highest good no matter if it is in government service or more spiritual in nature. And it definitely comes with a strong sense of integrity. So lately as I watched the political ads flying around our TV in the past weeks I cannot help but be disgusted. It really didn't matter the party, so many of the candidates aired these 'attack' ads. And seemed proud of them when they announced '...and I approve this message'. Certainly far afield of standing in their own truth and integrity in letting us know how they would be of service on our behalf. And beyond that, totally out of alignment with Source. You cannot stand centered with the Divine and go on the attack. So I cannot help but wonder sometimes just how long it will take to shift to a better world.

1 comment:

  1. These ads have made me totally disgusted. For the first time I don't know if I even want to vote - I'm waiting for one of the candidates to tell me what they will do for me, my town, our state and our country but instead it is all about what someone else did or didn't do. You are so right on.
