Saturday, June 22, 2024

Messages for Summer from Spirit



Summer offers the following message:


A close up of a purple rose  Description automatically generated

Summer ushers in rays of sunshine and hope to bring light to your garden

and your life. 

There is more expansion and growth at hand during the season ahead. 

Stay true to yourself and stay focused upon the path you would like to

walk forward upon. 

Blessings ride on the winds of change coming forth this season.  Your plantings and intentions will begin to bear fruit.

Remember to keep your spirit light and continue to raise your energy higher.  A higher vibration will foster a much needed break from the mundane.  You may find that you have a foot in the physical at the same time you are dipping your toes

in the realms of spirit. 

Though this perspective has the appearance of offering you a split view, you will find it essential to learn to see life from a higher focus as a witness,

even as you experience it firsthand.

Channeled by Laura Rose

Don't forget to also listen to the free message for Summer on youtube:

Bloom where you are planted this summer

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Spring 2024 Channeled Message from Spirit- Spiral dance


Spring, 2024 Message from Spirit


Each season carries with it a specific energy dynamic, code, and message for those who listen.

We can blend our energy to the energy of Nature to enhance our experience and assist our individual and collective journeys.



Spring offers the following message:


Your healing journey and your spiritual journey are intrinsically woven together along a cosmic spiral dance.

Not a straight line at all but rather a spiral.  Allowing you to revisit your past in microdoses, heading deeper each time.  New fertile territory covered time and time again.

Many in the spiritual community get frustrated or even think that they have failed when they revisit old wounds, bringing more of the shadow to light. 

But the opposite is true.

Each time, you clear the way for more light to flow along your spiritual channel.  Allowing even more wisdom, shining even more light.  If you are a healer even more healing energy can flow through you for yourself and others.

The path to ascension and enlightenment is not for the faint of heart, but the rewards are plentiful.

Spring ushers in an intense opportunity for deep connection and ancestral clearing, not only for your own individual family lineage but also your greater world Family.



Channeled by Laura Rose


Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Quickening Moon for Spring Channeled Message


The energies have been intense leading up to this full moon weekend providing you with the opportunity to release all that will not be needed moving forward into your full power and creative imagination. 

The time is right to recharge and pull back from ordinary commitments.  You need to become even more discerning about how you share and use your own energy.  Remember to pull from the Light of Source and be careful how you connect to those people and situations that present around you.

Spirit is saying your energy is your own fuel tank (so-to-speak) and it is not to be shared without more understanding and focus.  Be careful for leaks. 

All the prior work you have been doing is perfectly orchestrating what you need now.  You know how to relax, meditate, and practice self-care.  You know true power and wisdom comes from within.  You know how to recognize when the energies are off around you, ones that do not resonate with your soul. 

As Winter wanders on before turning into Spring, it is a wonderful time to fill up your reserve tank.  Focus on all the aspects of life that you enjoy.  Celebrate the parts of you that you wish to grow with the increasing sunshine. 

Do not be deterred by the chaos that shows up in the outside world.  Remember your innate power and just like the plants and flowers that will bloom come Springtime, you, too, have the ability to always turn toward the light.

With love and blessings, channeled from Spirit, by Laura Rose

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Magic and Warriors of the Light

 Have you heard the free channeled message from Spirit on Laura's Youtube Channel for Winter yet?

Here it is:

Wishing you blessings for the New Year!

Monday, January 1, 2024

Message for Winter, 2023-4

 Winter offers the following message:

It is time to press the metaphorical pause button.

It is time to rest.  It is a time to grow from within.

We have brought this message through before for you, but this Winter you will find it fitting once again.  There is uncertainty coupled with chaos in the outside world that would be best to avoid if you can.

If you find yourself swept away, it can be within your purview to press pause to allow yourself time to reset back to factory (realign with Source) settings.

Sometimes you must move forward.  And always do so when you feel Divinely guided with an inspiration you cannot (nor should you) ignore. 

But for the most part, take your guidance from Nature this Winter's season.  Slow down and wait for the promise and green light of

Spring-time just ahead.



Channeled by Laura Rose

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Monday, November 13, 2023

Sacredness Created from the 11 11 Portal


The 11 11 portal provided a much needed doorway to usher in a new wave of energy for those who seek it.  Before you can avail yourselves to the new insights and opportunities now available, a clearing of the decks is a must.  You simply cannot hold on to the higher frequencies being downloaded without a physical body able to receive them.

The theme moving forward is embracing the sacred.  You must first begin by remembering your own sacredness as a vessel that allows Spirit to flow.  Then, you may hold space for others to do the same.

As you look out into your world, look for the sacred in all things.  Women have always been the sacred vessels allowing new life.  The time is upon you now to bring forth a new way and thus a whole new world.

We stand here ready to support you.  It is so easy to find us deep within the sacred.

Channeled from the Angels and Masters by Laura Rose

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Summer Horsepower Channeled Message

Have you listened to the channeled message for Summer yet!?  It's not too late to integrate the Summer energies before we learn what is ahead for Fall!

Here it is:

Summer Message on Laura's You tube channel

Sunday, July 23, 2023

A special message for 7.23.23


The energy moving forward at this time is one of letting go.  Shed your old skin and make way for the creation of something new.  Whatever you make space for now will blossom in its own right time. 

New creation embodies communal support.  Perhaps you will even find a new community of like-minded people.  Spirit asks that you not forget the community of ancestors and guides always available to you.  It is a wonderful time to listen for their higher perspective.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Channeled Message for Summer, 2023-It's all about Perspective


Summer’s message is all about perspective.  How have you come to view the world around you?  It is said that a multitude of individuals may see the same event and have varying accounts of what happened.  The farmer rejoices for the rainy day after a dry spell while the bride on her outdoor wedding day does not.

Well, the same is true for every aspect of your life.  Your perspective is shaping your life experience without a doubt.  But, it is simply how you choose to focus combined with the beliefs you have come to hold (onto, even if they serve you not).

We ask you to begin to change your focus.  Sure, it would be helpful to focus more on the positive and all of you do this to some degree.  Being positive all the time is no easy task nor is it a natural product of the human condition.

Instead, as you enjoy the summer months ahead of you, we suggest you simply be more aware.  That is all.  Move into a place of awareness of your own view. 

Maybe over time you may even be able to accept that others hold differing views.  And that is okay.  There is more than one way to see the world.  You came in for the variety.  To learn from each other and grow into a new way of being.

It is there, in that awareness, that your power lies.  Because it is there you may choose to shift your focus to a life of your own conscious creation.

Channeled by Laura Rose